Skincare Dos & Don’ts

The truth is, your skincare routine is the foundation of glowing, healthy skin. You can do as many treatments as you wish, but your results will be enhanced with a proper and thoughtful skincare routine. This doesn’t necessarily mean having a cabinet full of expensive, high-end products - it can be as simple as being aware of how much you are in the sun

Below are the top skincare dos and don’ts for healthy, radiant skin. 

Don’t: Spend excessive time in direct sunlight

Do: Wear SPF daily

While Vitamin D is vital for our health, then UV rays from the sun can be damaging to our skin’s pigment melanin in more ways than appearance.

“Melanin protects skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays. These can burn the skin and reduce its elasticity, leading to premature aging,” notes This can lead to uneven skin tone, sun spots, wrinkles, and even melanoma - a type of skin cancer.

The best way to protect your skin is to apply SPF daily. Dermatologists recommend an SPF of at least 30, but the higher the SPF, the more protection against ultraviolet rays. SPF can go under makeup or be worn on its own and should be worn even in the colder months when the sun is not as present.

Don’t: Over exfoliate your skin

Do: Choose a gentle exfoliator

Exfoliating your body from head to toe not only makes your skin feel smooth but also helps fight clogged pores and renew your skin’s surface. Though, there is such a thing as over-exfoliation. Over-exfoliating your skin, or stripping your skin of its outermost layer, can lead to redness and sensitivity, acne, dry and flaky skin, or even an overproduction of oils. While these all sound contradictory, they are all possible simultaneously.

Instead, it’s best to exfoliate your skin once a week (twice as most) with an exfoliant containing gentle, natural ingredients. Steer clear from damaging exfoliators with synthetic beads and harsh ingredients that can cause micro-tears in the skin, such as walnut and apricot scrubs.

Don’t: Be scared of moisture & oils

Do: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Possibly the most crucial takeaway in achieving healthy, radiant, and supple skin is to hydrate. While moisturizers are undoubtedly vital in your everyday skincare routine (morning and night!), so is nourishing your body from within.

Drinking water is key. Some experts say 64 ounces of water daily is the goal, while others say half of your body weight; no matter what amount you choose, the more H20, the better. Your body will thank you!

All the more, facial oils can do wonders for your skin, especially during the winter months. While many choose to stray away from using oils due to the fear of it causing breakouts or already having oily skin, using facial oils can do the opposite. Adding moisture/oil to your skin balances your skin’s production of natural oils, resulting in neutral, moisturized skin.

Psst! Don’t forget to moisturize your lips too! Lip care is skincare - and it’s the thinnest layer of skin, so don’t forget to hydrate your lips!

Additional skincare dos:

  • Wash your face morning and night

  • Keep your makeup light

  • Wash your hands before applying skincare

  • Do face masks and chemical peels

  • Be gentle on your skin

Additional skincare don’ts:

  • Don’t smoke

  • Don’t pick or pop zits

  • Don’t sleep in makeup

  • Don’t use body products on your face

Having a proper skincare regime will only enhance your beauty and aesthetic treatments. Here at Wellness Revolution, we offer advanced skincare services, including hydrating treatments and PCA chemical peels, which diminish damage and tighten skin, providing an ageless, dewy look and feel. We can also help you lock down a proper at-home skincare routine!

To get more information or to book your appointment with Stephanie, please call (540) 812-2263. We look forward to helping you reach your skin goals!


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