Common Botox® Myths Busted

While Botox®, or onabotulinumtoxinA, received FDA approval in 1989 (and was used decades prior), there is still convoluted talk about whether it is safe.

So, let’s set the record straight and debunk common Botox myths.

Myth: Botox is toxic.

Truth: Botox is made from a toxin–but is not toxic.

This is primarily the most common belief. While Botox injections do use a toxin onobotulinumtoxinA, which temporarily prevents a muscle from moving, the “toxin” is not toxic to your body or health. These injections “block certain chemical signals from nerves, mostly signals that cause muscles to contract,” cites Mayo Clinic. To calm any nerves, it’s useful to know Botox has undergone extensive research through the years.

Myth: Botox treatments are only for cosmetic purposes.

Truth: Botox can treat cosmetic desires, along with medical ailments.

Botox has been used for decades to treat cosmetic desires, along with medical and physical hurdles. While it is most known to treat wrinkles, primarily on the face such as crow’s feet, Botox may treat a multitude of physical needs.

Penn Medicine News cites that Botox may treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, migraines, hyperhidrosis (excess sweating) foot and muscle pain/contractions, overactive bladder and stomach issues, painful sex, and more. Surprisingly, starting in 1970, “Botox was originally intended for people with crossed eyes,” or strabismus.

Here at Wellness Revolution, we offer treatment for TMJ and hyperhidrosis; you may talk with Stephanie if you are curious as to other medical ailments you are interested in treating with Botox.

Myth: Botox doesn’t last long.

Truth: Botox can last up to six months.

A single Botox injection can last four to six months (with cosmetic results typically lasting three months) depending on multiple factors. Though, multiple units/injections of Botox are likely needed depending on the area of the face treated.

While multiple sessions and touch-ups may be necessary to reach your end goals and desired looks, Botox generally does not fade particularly fast enough for it to be an inconvenience to recipients.

(See our articles How Long Does Filler & Botox® Last? and How Many Units of Botox® Do I Need?)

Myth: Botox is noticeable and can “freeze your face.”

Truth: Done right, Botox looks natural and is undetectable.

Generally, in the beauty realm, Botox is used for anti-aging effects on the face. So, done right and by a professional, Botox enhances one’s beauty, simply eliminating unwanted fine lines and wrinkles–not freezing or paralyzing the face.

That being said, Botox is not just for women; it is also popular among men, both medically and cosmetically.

Did we miss a Botox myth or question that is still on your mind? Contact Stephanie of Wellness Revolution at (540) 812-2263; she can assist in answering any questions or concerns!


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