Collagen: The Good, The Bad, & The Beautiful

You may have heard that collagen is the secret to strong, beautiful skin, hair, and nails. But what exactly is this nutrient that you keep hearing about? Doesn’t our body make it naturally?

It’s time for a full collagen rundown: the good, the bad, and the beautiful.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is one of the main proteins in your body, making up 30% of your body’s total protein, according to Cleveland Clinic. But what does it do exactly? It is a vital building block of your muscles, bones, skin, tendons, and ligaments, providing structure and strength through your body through its fiber-like makeup.

Types of Collagen

Without getting too scientific, there are five main types of collagen, differing in where they are found in the body, resulting in various functions. For example, Type I is used for structuring your skin, bones, tendons, and ligaments, while Type V is present in the cornea of your eyes and placenta tissue.

The Good

This mighty protein helps create new skin cells, which in turn, replace dead cells. It’s what keeps your organs protected and provides your skin with elasticity.

The Bad

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen; it’s the way of life. It’s said that once you hit the age of 30, you begin to lose collagen. Alas, wrinkles and saggy skin. Even worse, stiff ligaments, joint pain, and weakening muscles. Though, it’s not all bad!

The Beautiful

The upside? There are plenty of ways to limit collagen loss, along with ways to increase your collagen intake.

  • Supplemental

Chances are you have seen collagen products lined in beauty and health aisles. Whether you opt for vegan or animal-based collagen, powder, drink or pill form, taking collagen can help your skin, hair, and nail growth, along with helping support the aging process, such as bone density and joints.

  • PRP via Microneedling

Want to promote collagen production in the face and say goodbye to wrinkles and fine lines? Try microneedling with PRP – offered at Wellness Revolution!

This is a non-invasive procedure where microneedles are used to reduce fine lines and tighten skin. PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma which is obtained by drawing a small amount of your blood) is injected into the treated tissue to speed up the healing process and trigger collagen growth. Don’t believe the benefits? Even orthopedics inject PRP to stimulate the healing of joints, such as the knees, elbows, and ankles.

  • IV Therapy Treatments

Similar to supplemental solutions, certain IV therapy cocktails contain collagen. Rather than taking the protein orally, it is injected into your body via an IV. While IV treatments have an impressive list of benefits on their own, the inclusion of collagen only adds to it.

Here at Wellness Revolution, our Beauty Replenishing Infusion IV treatment features biotin, which increases energy and hydration promoting strong nails, brilliant hair, and bright beaming skin.

Limiting collagen loss is comparable to keeping your skin healthy, including not smoking, limiting UV exposure, and lessening sugar and carbohydrate intake.

Interested in IV therapy or microneedling facials with PRP? Contact Stephanie at Wellness Revolutions; she will be happy to educate you more on these collagen-boosting services!


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