What To Know Before Getting Botox® & Filler

Getting any procedure done can be nerve-racking, especially ones that involve needles. However, being fully prepared and knowing what to expect before getting Botox® and Filler is key in keeping nerves under control and the experience enjoyable!

Here’s what to know before getting Botox and Filler.

1. Results are not permanent.

Wondering how long Filler and Botox lasts? Generally, Botox can last up to three to four months, while Fillers may last anywhere from nine to 24 months, depending on the type used and the area of the face. However, multiple other factors contribute to longevity.

2. Multiple sessions are required.

Knowing the above, it’s a given that multiple sessions are likely required to achieve your desired goal, along with keeping up your look.

3. Numbing is not required.

While getting Botox or Filler isn’t necessarily painful, let’s be honest – needles are involved. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. However, Filler already has a numbing agent in it to lessen the severity of the pain.

4. Bruising and inflammation may occur.

As mentioned various times before, everyone’s bodies are different; we all heal differently as well. As a general rule of thumb, inflammation and minor bruising around the injected area is common and completely normal. Bruising may last up to seven days, but can be decreased by day three. Ice may be applied to the tender areas.

5. Don’t feel guilty

Voluntary injections come with a certain stigma or judgment in general society (which, thankfully, have diminished in the last ten years!) Do not feel ashamed or guilty about assisting yourself in feeling confident and beautiful. Besides, the best results are the ones that look completely natural – and those are the ones Wellness Revolutions strives for!

6. Botox doesn’t magically erase wrinkles.

Speaking of looking natural, it’s important to know your result expectations beforehand. Botox and Filler won’t erase texture and wrinkles altogether. Instead, they will soften your skin and their lines for an effortlessly ageless look. 

7. Do not exercise directly after.

While injections are not something to plan your whole life’s schedule around, it’s vital that you take post-injection precautions and avoid intense exercise. Lots of movement and blood flow puts pressure on the injection site; “the general rule is to wait at least 4 hours to exercise. This includes bending over or lying down. However, 24 hours is the ideal amount of time to wait,” notes Healthline.

Interested in making yourself more confident in your skin with injectables? Contact Stephanie at Wellness Revolution. She will provide a full rundown of what to expect and the do’s and don’ts before and after your procedures!


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