How Long Does Filler & Botox® Last?

When considering getting Fillers or Botox®, it’s helpful to know as much information as possible. One question that might cross your mind is how long will my procedure last? This is a solid question with a not-so-solid answer simply because everybody is different.

Generally, Botox can last up to four to six months, while Fillers may last anywhere from nine to 24 months, depending on the type used and the area of the face. However, multiple other factors contribute to the longevity of your Botox and Filler, including your stress and activity levels, metabolism, and tolerance.

Stress and Activity Levels

Increased muscle usage in the face, such as when working out, can lead to fine lines developing and the Botox or Filler fading faster. Exercise is extremely important, and life stressors happen, so it’s helpful to note beforehand that if you’re more active and expressive, higher units and frequent touch-ups may be necessary.


Yes, your metabolism impacts how long your treatment will last. The metabolism is responsible for processing substances we put into our body and breaks down neurotoxic proteins (such as Botox) much like how it breaks down food. Everyone has different metabolic rates; a faster metabolism will require more frequent touch-ups to maintain your desired goal.


Patients with a history of Botox or Filler may require more frequent visits or higher units as their body and metabolism have developed a higher tolerance to the substances, essentially absorbing them faster. The same is said depending on the size and depth of the lines and wrinkles that are being treated.

Ways to Increase Filler and Botox Longevity

There are a plethora of things you can do to increase the lifespan of your results, which is similar to preventative care for your skin overall.

  • Stay hydrated

  • Moisturize your skin and wear SPF

  • Limit your strenuous workouts

  • Quit smoking

  • Avoid tanning and lots of direct sunlight

  • Reduce stress levels

If you have any questions or concerns about Filler and/or Botox, please call us to schedule a consultation and to speak with Stephanie directly. She will happily help you determine the right treatment for you!


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