Lip Filler vs. Lip Flip

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive at Wellness Revolution is ‘what is the difference between lip flip and lip filler’? Great question! We’ve broken down the differences in today’s blog.

What is Lip Flip?

Lip flip is a technique that uses a neuromodulator such as Botox® to relax certain muscles around the top lip and the cupid’s bow area of your mouth. When those muscles relax, the lip curls outward giving the appearance of a fuller lip. 

How long does that last?

It is different for everybody but 2-3 months is pretty standard for a Botox lip flip

How long is the downtime and how much does it hurt? 

I apply a numbing agent to the area before we start. You will still feel a sting but the whole treatment only takes about 10 minutes and then you can go back to what you were doing. There is no downtime. You will see the full results within 2 weeks, however many see results in 4-5 days.

What is Lip Filler?

Lip filler is the process of making the lips fuller by using dermal fillers such as Juvederm. Filler can be used to build up the top and/or bottom lip to give you a more customized full lip. 

How long does it last? 

Lip filler can last 6-12 months depending on the person. 

How long is the downtime and how much does it hurt?

I apply a numbing agent to the area before we start. It can be uncomfortable, however, the procedure only takes 20-30 minutes. Some people experience some bruising and that will typically subside within 4-6 days. 

Will my lips feel weird? 

As with any change to your appearance, it may take a few days to get used to. Your lips may be tender for a few days but once they are fully healed they will feel like your lips. And no, your partner will not be able to tell that you have filler when you kiss. 

Not sure which option is best for the look you want to achieve? Set up a consultation so that we can discuss your goals and next steps.


How Many Units of Botox® Do I Need?